Category Archives: Obama

Line 40

Line 40 on the 1040 Form is where one decides whether to take the standard deduction or the itemized deduction. Despite repeatedly claiming that high income people like himself get “unfair” tax breaks, President Obama passes on the standard deduction.

President Obama leads by example.

SOTU Failure

In all truth, I was expecting the President’s SOTU speech to be much worse. The most irritating aspects were where the President portrayed failures such as job creation that doesn’t keep pace with population growth and reductions in energy demand due to economic decline as successes. The majority of his proposals were only mildly offensive such as his many proposals to create new special agencies to duplicate existing functions.

Of course, the most offensive aspect of the SOTU, is the media’s uninformed coverage.

Obama’s Ring

As the 2012 campaign gets underway, the news media is spending time examining the personal lives of the Republican candidates. The average voter probably can not describe any of Newt Gingrich’s positions, but almost certainly, that voter knows that Newt has been married three times.

What about President Obama? His campaign has represented that he has only been married once, but there are photos of the President from 1980 wearing a ring on the ring finger of left hand where he now wears his wedding band. I’m not aware of any official published explanation of that ring.

Perhaps, like his father, he has a “traditional” wife in Kenya. Who knows, the news media won’t ask.

Oval Office Address

The President’s first Oval Office Address was criticized from all sides. Most critics agreed that his performance (if not his substance) improved towards the end where he spoke about his plans to transition to clean energy. Unfortunately, he used the “if we can send a man to the Moon…” trope. Now I can’t stop thinking about President Obama sending a man to the Moon to find Green Energy. Except of course, he killed the return to the Moon project at NASA.  Maybe Nobel Award Winning Physicist Secretary Chu has worked out a plan?

Hypoc Risy Obama – Not Just His Middle Name

This is a series of posts to catalog the President’s hypocrisy.

An easy one: Pledging to fund his campaign with only public funding then abandoning the pledge as soon as it became less financially lucrative.

Unpopular Obama

President Obama’s approval rating dropped below 50% on Real Clear Politics meta-survey. If President Obama was a Republican, the press would be full editorial comment on how this is an indication that the President needs to adjust his policies to be more in step with the American public. However, President Obama is the Media’s candidate, so the historic drop in approval ratings is mentioned rarely if at all.

What I Like About Sarah Palin

Every so often someone asks me if or what I like about Sarah Palin. I usually answer that I don’t know very much about her, which is true, ignoring that I do like her.  At least it’s true in the sense of what she thinks about various issues or what her views are, other than in the broadest sense. I can finally explain exactly what I find appealing.

Sarah Palin’s mere existence exposes the hypocrisy of the Left and it’s self proclaim Liberals and Progressives. I love that about her. From the earliest days of being rumored to be selected as McCain’s VP, her biography stood as counterpoint to President Obama’s. The substance’s of Palin’s biography mocking Obama’s evanescence .

That is what I like about Sarah Palin


President Obama’s Three Point Plan for _______(fill in the blank)

1. He’s got these people.

2. The people are experts.

 3. They’re going to fix everything.

President Obama gives you his word.

The plan applies to every issue. Most recently it is an outline of his newest economic initiative – his “jobs summit”.

Is anyone shocked that after 10 months or so, the President admits that he and his Adminstration have no idea how to create jobs so they’re going to bring some “experts”?

Does Dan Rather Fact Check Hardball?

The other night, Chris Matthews had a feeling about President Obama’s birth certificate. He did not indicate which body part was affected this time, but the feeling apparently resolved itself into a sense of certainty with regard to Mr. Obama’s birthplace. Not surprisingly, President Obama’s explanation was air tight for Mr. Matthews. More objective analysis would suggest that even though the proffered evidence is not air tight, Mr. Matthews may not be getting enough oxygen.

It would hardly be unusual for a baby to born outside of a hospital in Hawaii in 1961. Given that Hawaii is an island chain, births outside of hospitals are probably not unusual even today and issuing birth certificates for those children is most likely a routine matter. It is not hard to imagine how one could obtain a Hawaiian birth certificate for a baby born outside the state.

 The recently issued Certificate of Live Birth and the published birth announcements, while offering irrefutable proof to Mr. Matthews, are not conclusive evidence of where Mr. Obama was born.

Why Can’t President Obama Apologize?

President Obama, let me be clear, incorrectly claimed that Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was arrested on suspicion of burglary. Unfortunately, President Obama lacks the integrity to apologize for his own misdeeds, preferring to limit his apologies to the service of slandering others.