Monthly Archives: February 2010

Who Let Uncle Joe Out of the Home?

On Sunday Vice President Joe Biden made it on to a political talk show to chat for a while. Before his handlers wrangled him back into the home where he attends to the important business of making sure the Stimulus (ARRA) money isn’t wasted (He’s doing a great job with that. As the President says “Nobody messes with Joe”, Uncle Joe spent his time claiming that former Vice President Cheney was doing exactly what he was trying do – rewrite history. When it comes to re-writing history, no one is going to outclass the Obama Adminstration. Uncle Joe will see to that. (And no one messes with Uncle Joe!)

I couldn’t bring myself to actually watch it, or read the transcript, but I’m pretty sure at one point (of oh so many, I’m sure – It’s Uncle Joe, after all.) he was trying to make the case that it was right for the UnderWear Bomber to be read his Miranda Rights so he could be tried in a civil court. Did he Uncle Joe also go ahead and declare him guilty before the trial starts, like he (and most of the Adminstration) has with KSM?